Favorite Beer Right Now Is....

Favorite Beer Right Now Is....
January- Favorite Beer of the month is...Kirin Ichiban (or Sake Bombs)

Monday, February 13, 2012

A review and warning -

Based on the recommendation of a site frequent this past week I gave a beer cocktail recipe that was posted. With some free time this weekend and a few friends were supposed to come over, I thought this would be the perfect time to try it. They didn't make it but I tried it anyways.

I'll preface this with saying, even initially reading it I realize this was nothing more than a recipe for trash can punch. If you're too good to have a good time or try something new (or old for some of you) then no need to continue reading.

Known as either "The Skipper" or "Pink Panty Peeler" to some, combine:

-12 pack of Natural (Natty) Ice
-1/2 handle of Vodka
-2 containers of Pink Lemonade.
*Or just half it if you're trying it for yourself as I did.


Almost comparable to Mad Dog 20/20 so I really shouldn't have to say much more than that. It was actually drinkable though unlike Mad Dog, and also unlike Mad Dog did not make my arm start to go numb.

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